Aftercare Instructions
Thank you for choosing Qazi Cosmetic Center for your treatment. In order to maximize your results, please refer to the aftercare instructions for your treatment.
If you have any questions, please call us at 949-336-7293, or email us at
Collapsible content
Ablative Resurfacing Laser
Things to avoid:
- Picking and peeling your skin
- Baths, hot water, hot saunas, and swimming
- Extraneous exercise for 48 hours
- Sun exposure for the next 2-4 weeks
- Wearing makeup for 2 weeks
- Active Ingredients until cleared by Physician: BHA, Retinol, Astringents, etc.
- Smoking, Vaping, and any nicotine products
For the first 24 hours:
- Wear the Collagen Mask for 24 hours. It will be removed with the gauze soaks.
- Any remaining residue will naturally slough off with time, please do not peel or pick at your skin.
Days 2-7:
- Bottled water soaks with sterile gauze throughout the day and night
- Apply Silver Sulfadiazine cream three times a day
- Apply sunscreen that contains zinc oxide/ titanium dioxide every two hours
- Apply a thin layer of Aquaphor/Vaseline
Days 8-14
- Wash face with Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser
- Â Hydrocortisone Cream 1%
- Â Vanicream Moisturizing Lotion
- Â Mineral Sunblock (SPF 50+)
- Vanicream Moisturizing lotion
- Mineral Sunblock (SPF 50+)
- Wash face with Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser
- Hydrocortisone Cream 1%
- Vanicream Moisturizing lotion
Weeks 3-6
- Wash face with Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser
- Â Â Vanicream Moisturizing lotion
- Â Â Mineral Sunblock (SPF 50+)
- Mineral Sunblock (SPF 50+)
- Wash face with Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser
- Â Vanicream Moisturizing lotion
Weeks 6-12
- Wash face with Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser
- Vanicream Moisturizing lotion
- Mineral Sunblock (SPF 50+)
- Mineral Sunblock (SPF 50+)
- Wash face with Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser
- Pigment Control Cream (small amounts to entire face)
- Vanicream Moisturizing lotion
Please text us progress photos each day at: 833-757-3842
Accure Laser
What to expect:
- Mild redness for one day
- Dryness and itchiness for up to 4 weeks
- If blisters, pustules, excessive swelling/redness occur please call our office
- Acne purging and initially an increased amount of breakouts
Things to do:
- Notify the office if you have any concerns of excessive blistering, redness, swelling etc.
- Wear Broad-spectrum SPF50 Sunscreen. Reapply every 90 minutes
- Wash your face with a gentle cleanser followed by a moisturizer twice daily for a few days before resuming your regular routine.
Things to avoid:
- Exercise for 24 hours
- Wearing makeup for 24 hours
- Skin Irritants throughout your sessions: Anything with Tretinoin, Retinol, Benzoyl Peroxide, Glycolic/Salicylic Acid, Astringents etc.
- Heat: hot tubs, saunas, hot showers, etc.
- No esthetician treatments, facials, face treatments, or face massages during your sessions
- Schedule your treatments one month apart.
Acne Scar Combination Laser
Post-Treatment Care Guidelines
Please send photos to our office daily for the first 2 weeks.
- Protect Your Skin: Do not peel, pick, scratch, or forcefully exfoliate the treated area during the healing phase.
- Sun Exposure: Stay away from direct sunlight for at least 2 months following the procedure. If you must be outside, always use sunscreen and consider additional protective measures like wearing a hat or using an umbrella. Sun exposure can intensify hyperpigmentation, especially when your skin is still recovering.
- Makeup: Once your skin has completely healed and you no longer require an occlusive barrier, you may apply makeup but it may be overdrying for the skin. We recommend using a tinted mineral sunscreen and eye makeup is okay to wear throughout the healing process.Â
- Physical Activity: Refrain from strenuous exercises that induce sweating until your skin has fully healed.
- Water Activities: Avoid swimming, using hot tubs, or whirlpools as long as any redness persists on the skin.
- Hair Removal: Wait for at least 21 days or until your skin visibly shows signs of full recovery before considering shaving, waxing, or threading on the treated area.
For the first 24 hours:
- Wear the Collagen Mask for 24 hours. It will be removed with the gauze soaks.
- Any remaining residue will naturally slough off with time, please do not peel or pick at your skin.
Days 2-7:
- Soak sterile gauze with water (water bottle) and place soaked gauze on the face for 5 minutes (do this once in the morning and at night before applying creams). This will help to keep your skin hydrated and also clean any previous creams or residue off of your skin. Repeat if needed.
- Apply Hydrocortisone Cream 1% three times a day
- Apply Silver Sulfadiazine cream three times a day
- Apply sunscreen that contains zinc oxide/ titanium dioxide every two hours
- Apply a thin layer of Aquaphor/Vaseline
You may discontinue usage of hydrocortisone/SSD cream earlier with approval from clinic by day 7.
Days 8-14
As long as the skin looks closed, with approval from the office via text:
- Wash face with Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser
- Gentle Moisturizer like Cerave or Cetaphil brand moisturizing lotion
- Physical Sunscreen (Zinc oxide or Titanium Dioxide SPF 50+ is preferred)
- Physical Sunscreen (Zinc oxide or Titanium Dioxide SPF 50+ is preferred)
- Wash face with Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser
- Gentle Moisturizer like Cerave or Cetaphil brand moisturizing lotion
- With approval from clinic, apply a pea sized amount of the pretreatment pigment control cream to full face (avoiding the eye area).
Weeks 3-6
- Wash face with Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser
- Recommended moisturizer
- Physical Sunscreen (Zinc oxide or Titanium Dioxide SPF 50+ is preferred)
- Physical Sunscreen (Zinc oxide or Titanium Dioxide SPF 50+ is preferred)
- Wash face with Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser
- Apply a pea size amount of the Pre-treatment pigment control cream (the brown round one) to full face (avoid eyes)
- Recommended moisturizer
Weeks 6-12
- Wash face with Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser
- Recommended moisturizer
- Physical Sunscreen (Zinc oxide or Titanium Dioxide SPF 50+ is preferred)
- Wash face with Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser
- Apply a pea size amount of the Pre-treatment pigment control cream (the brown round one) to full face (avoid eyes)
- Recommended moisturizer
What to expect (these should resolve within a few days to weeks)
- Mild bruising and tenderness
- Temporary residual brownish pigmentation
- Redness, itching, and irritation
- Some veins will be reduced immediately but some may take multiple sessions
Things to avoid:
- Shaving on the day of the treatment
- Heat/Sun: sunbathing, hot tubs, saunas, hot showers, tanning and self tanners.
- No long plane flights for 2-3 days
- Heavy exercise for 2-3 days or standing for long periods of time
- Consuming Alcohol, Coffee, NSAIDs or Fish Oil for 3 days
Things to do:
- Walk for 15-20 minutes after the procedure and daily for the next few days
- Maintain normal daily activities
- Ice the area every 2 hours for 15 minutes to help with swelling and discomfort
- Wear compression stockings or support hose on the treated legs for 1-2 weeks
Multiple treatments may be required for optimal results.
Notify the office if you have any concerns of excessive blistering, redness, swelling and pus
BBL Acne Photofacial
Things to expect:
- Areas treated may darken
- Redness, irritation, burning, swelling
- Skin peeling
Things to avoid:
- Avoid sun exposure
- Avoid rubbing or scratching your skin
- Avoid wearing any make up for a few days
- Avoid tanning or self tanners
- Avoid doing extraneous exercise within 48hrs
- Avoid saunas, hot baths, and steam rooms
- Avoid active ingredients
Things you can do:
- Regularly apply sunscreen (spf 50+) and stay out of direct sunlight
- Keep your skin hydrated
- One can utilize Cerave moisturizing cream, or cetaphil moisturizing lotion.
- Regularly and gently cleanse your skin
- Avoid using an exfoliator or face scrub, a cleansing brush or washing your face too vigorously. Utilize a gentle cleanser such a Cetaphil or Cerave.Â
- If any crusting occurs, do not pick or shave the area
Please contact us if there are any signs of blistering or infection (pus).
Black Label Peel Application Instructions
- Wash your face with a gentle cleanser (Cerave or Cetaphil).
- Pat dry your face with a clean paper towel.Â
- Soak a gauze pad with half of the blue toner.Â
- Press and wipe the wet gauze around the face excluding the eye area to remove any oil.
- Use a Q-tip and apply a dollop of Vaseline or Aquaphor to the corners of your mouth and nose.
- Use the tongue depressor to spread half of the peel product on to the face as a mask (area shown below). Avoid the eye area and leave plenty of space below your eye.Â
- Leave the mask on for the hours instructed to you.
- Typically, a second peel application will be done in 3 weeks from the 1st application. Please do not throw away the last half of the blue toner or the peel.
- In three weeks, the second application may be applied with the same instructions as above.

Blemish Removal
What to expect (these should resolve within a few days to weeks):
- Burning sensation for the first 30 min- 4 hours after treatment
- Reddish-Brown color on treated areas that will last 2-4 days
- Treated area may peel and flake off
Things to avoid:
- Rubbing or scratching your skin
- Wearing makeup for 5-7 days
- Heat: hot tubs, saunas, hot showers, tanning and self tanners.
- Exercise which may cause excessive sweating for 48 hours
- Skin Irritants: Anything with Tretinoin, Retinol, Benzoyl Peroxide, Glycolic/Salicylic Acid, Astringents etc. for 5 days
Things to do:
- Use an antibiotic ointment twice a day for 5 daysÂ
- Keep skin hydrated: We recommend Melan Recovery, CeraVe, or Cetaphil
- Regularly and gently cleanse your skin: AVOID exfoliators, face scrubs, and cleansing brushes
- Wear Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen, apply every 90 minutes
Multiple treatments may be required for optimal results
Notify the office if you have any concerns of excessive blistering, redness, swelling and pus
California Butt Lift
What to expect immediately after (these should resolve within a few days to weeks)
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Red Puncture Marks
- Asymmetry
- Tenderness
- Itchiness
Pain Relief:
- For any discomfort use Tylenol (Acetaminophen).Â
- Avoid Ibuprofen and Naproxen.
- Apply a cool compress for 10 minutes every hour on the day of the treatment to reduce swelling.
- If you experience excessive bruising, call our office.
Things to avoid:
- Massaging the treatment areas
- Skin Irritants: anything with Tretinoin, Retinol, Benzoyl Peroxide, Glycolic/Salicylic Acid, etc.
- Putting excess pressure on the glutes while sleeping or sitting for 48 hours
- Engaging in vigorous physical activity for 48 hours
- Consuming Alcohol, Coffee, NSAIDs or Fish Oil for 3 days
- Exfoliating your injection sites for 5 days
- Going to the sauna, steam room or bath for Two Weeks
Things to do:
- Wear spanx for at least 1 week
You will see optimal results after 4 weeks.
Retreatment can be scheduled between 1-6 months.
Chemical Peel
What to expect:
- Your skin may take on a rough, patchy, darkened quality a few days after this treatment. This is normal and expected - it will resolve on its own.Â
- Most people begin peeling on the 3rd or 4th day after treatment. It is also possible to not peel at all. If this occurs, you will still benefit from the treatment because the skin has exfoliated microscopically.
- Possible side effects include but are not limited to: mild to extreme redness, temporary tightness, itching, swelling, and dryness of the skin similar to a sunburn or windburn. This will usually subside from anywhere from a few days to a few weeks depending on the patient. A topical steroid cream of hydrocortisone 1% may be recommended if the skin is inflamed or irritated. Contact our office if you feel your skin is extremely irritated and needs more attention.Â
- This procedure can stimulate cold sores. If you have an outbreak after your treatment, please call the office to inquire about obtaining a prescription.
Things to Avoid:
- NOT rub, scrub, or exfoliate your skin. Be gentle when washing and drying your skin. Apply your products on the skin with care. Premature peeling can cause pigmentation to worsen.Â
- DO NOT engage in strenuous exercise for 2-3 days after treatment because it may exacerbate the inflammation and can cause your skin to become extremely inflamed.
- DO NOT sweat excessively after treatment can irritate the skin or cause blistering due to the sweat being unable to escape through the top layer of dead skin. Try to avoid sweating until after you have stopped peeling to avoid lifting the skin prematurely, as this can cause scarring.
- DO NOT use any acidic products such as retinoids or tretinoins, acne medication products such as Retin-AⓇ, TazoracⓇ, RenovaⓇ, AtralinⓇ, ZianaⓇ, VeltinⓇ, DifferinⓇ, AHAs (lactic, glycolic, tartaric, etc.), BHAs (salicylic), benzoyl peroxide, vitamin C products, or any exfoliative products including loofahs or coarse sponges to your skin for 3-6 months after your chemical peel, or more if you notice your skin becomes sensitive to application. These medications and products increase your photosensitivity, which can significantly increase the likelihood of complications.
- DO NOT tweeze, pick, rub, exfoliate, wax, use a depilatory, undergo electrolysis, or schedule a facial or cosmetic service such as laser hair removal, or IPL on a treated area(s) for 3 - 6 months after your treatment. To reduce the risk of scarring, you do not want to remove the dry, rough, dead skin faster than your body wants to.
- DO NOT expose yourself to excessive heat on the treated area and direct sun exposure of any kind, as well as tanning beds and self-tanners to the treated areas for 3-6 months after your treatment.
- DO NOT get your hair dyed until a week after you have finished peeling, if your treatment was performed on the face or neck. For most people, week 3 post-peel is the best time to have your hair color treated.
- DO NOT purchase any of the products we give you from online stores such as,Â
-, These are expired or fake products which may give you a bad reaction. Be cautious if you find these creams for a cheaper price online. These creams are only available in medical offices.Â
- DO NOT use serums, night creams, moisturizers, natural products, or any other products which have not been recommended for you. Always contact our office before changing your skincare plan.
Day 1: Intense Depigmentation
- After wearing the mask for the time recommended by your provider (between 4 and 8 hours), remove the mask by rinsing carefully with cold water.
- Continue rinsing with your eyes closed until the product is completely removed. 24-48 hours after removing the mask, your skin may begin to feel sensitive, tight, and red.Â
- Apply Melan Recovery and/or Melan 130+ Pigment Control (sunscreen) during the day to the treated area.
Day 2-8: Continuous Depigmentation
- Cleanse: Gently wash your face in the morning and at night using water and a gentle cleanser, such as Cetaphil or CeraVe.
- Moisturize: After cleansing, apply Melan Recovery Cream to soothe and protect your skin.
- Protect: Finish by applying the Melan 130+ Pigment Control sunscreen. It's essential to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours throughout the day, even when indoors, to shield your skin from potential light exposure.
Day 9-30: Control of HyperpigmentationÂ
Morning Routine
- Gently wash your face in the morning and at night using water and a gentle cleanser, such as Cetaphil or CeraVe.
- Apply a small pea size amount of Cosmelan 2 cream from your container.
- Then apply Melan Recovery to soothe the skin.
- Lastly, apply the Melan 130+ Pigment Control Sunscreen
- If you are exposed to direct sunlight, reapply sunscreen every 2 hours.
Night Routine
- Gently wash your face in the morning and at night using water and a gentle cleanser, such as Cetaphil or CeraVe.
- Apply a small pea size amount of Cosmelan 2 cream from your container.
- Then apply Melan Recovery to soothe the skin.
Expected Reactions
- During this phase, you may experience itching, burning, dryness, and tightness of the skin.
- Your skin may also become irritated, sensitive, and may start to peel.
Managing Irritation
- If irritation becomes excessive, you may apply 1% hydrocortisone for relief.
- Important: Consult with someone from our clinic for approval before using hydrocortisone.
Month 2: Controlling Reappearance
Apply a small amount of cream from your container twice a day. Apply in the morning and evening, followed by Melan Recovery. Apply Melan 130+ Pigment Control (sunscreen) at a minimum of twice a day.
Month 3-6: Maintaining Results
Apply a small amount of cream from your container twice a day. Apply in the morning and evening, followed by Melan Recovery. Apply Melan 130+ Pigment Control (sunscreen) at a minimum of twice a day. At this stage, you will notice that your skin has regained its hydration levels, has stabilized, and appears even and renewed.
Keep in mind:
- Use only water, cetaphil face wash, or skinceuticals soothing cleanser to cleanse your face when needed. No other products should be used for cleansing.
- Continue the use of your creams until your plan has been directed to change by our staff or providers.Â
- Use clean fingers when applying products to your face.Â
- Make sure you always have enough product in your bottles to be consistent with your plan. This is how we can achieve your best result. You may purchase more products from our office if ever needed.Â
DO NOT DISCONTINUE the use of any approved creams until you speak with our office staff.
Our goal is for you to have the best result. By following your custom plan and directions, we can achieve a beautiful result together.
CO2 Laser
What to Expect:
- A burning sensation will last between 30 min to 4 hours immediately following your treatment
- The area will remain reddish-brown for 2-4 days, or more depending on the depth of your treatment
Things to avoid:
- Sun exposure for the next 2-4 weeks
- Swimming, hot tubs, or whirlpools while redness is present.
- Wearing makeup or shaving until you feel comfortable and healed. Be careful of hot water when shaving
Things to do:
- Use Sunscreen, and wear hats and sunglasses
- If skin around mouth is tight, minimize facial expressions
- Moisturize! Vanicream Moisturizing lotion
- Take medications directed by physician (if necessary, take acetaminophen)
If problems of increased pain, fever, pus, drainage present call us immediately.
Dermal Filler
What to expect immediately after (these should resolve within a few days to a few weeks)
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Red puncture marks
- Asymmetry
- Soreness
- Itchiness
Things to avoid:
- Putting pressure on your face while sleeping
- Performing exercises where your face goes below your heart
- Engaging in vigorous physical activity for 48 hours
- Using AHA, Retinols, Vitamin C, or oil based make-up for 72 hours
- Consuming alcohol, coffee, NSAIDs or fish oil for 3 days
- Exfoliating your injection sites for 5 days
- For liquid rhinoplasty, do not wear glasses for 1 week
- Going to the sauna, steam room, or bath for two weeks
- Massaging the face or treatment areas
Optimal results after 4 weeks.
Retreatments can be scheduled between 1-6 months.
Erbium Micropeel Laser
What to expect (these should resolve within a few days):
- Skin sensitivity
- Redness, irritation, burning, swelling
- Bleeding
- Skin peeling
Things to avoid:
- Rubbing or scratching your skin
- Heat: hot tubs, saunas, hot showers, tanning and self tanners.
- Exercise which may cause excessive sweating for 48 hours
- Wearing makeup for 1 week
- Skin Irritants for 7 days: anything with Tretinoin, Retinol, Benzoyl Peroxide, Glycolic/Salicylic Acid, etc.
Things to do:
- Notify the office if you have any concerns of excessive blistering, redness, swelling and pus
- Regularly and Gently Cleanse your Skin
- AVOID exfoliators, face scrubs, and cleansing brushes
- Keep skin hydrated: we recommend Melan CeraVe Cetaphil
- Wear Broad-spectrum Sunscreen, apply every 90 minutes
- Use hydrocortisone 1% twice a day for 3 days
Multiple treatments may be required for optimal results
What to expect immediately after (these should resolve within a few days):
- Swelling
- Soreness
- Bruising
- Asymmetry
Things to avoid:
- Washing face with hot water
- Icing the area
- Engaging in vigorous physical activity for 24 hours
- Going to the sauna or steam room for 3 days
- Consuming Alcohol, Coffee or Fish Oil for 3 days
- Using AHA, Retinols, Vitamin C, or oil based make-up for one week
Fractional Laser
Post Treatment Care Guide
Please send photos to our office daily for the first 2 weeks.
- Protect Your Skin: Do not peel, pick, scratch, or forcefully exfoliate the treated area during the healing phase.
- Sun Exposure: Stay away from direct sunlight for at least 2 months following the procedure. If you must be outside, always use sunscreen and consider additional protective measures like wearing a hat or using an umbrella. Sun exposure can intensify hyperpigmentation, especially when your skin is still recovering.
- Makeup and Sunblock: Once your skin has completely healed and you no longer require an occlusive barrier, you may apply makeup but it may be overdrying for the skin. We recommend using a tinted mineral sunscreen and eye makeup is okay to wear throughout the healing process.Â
- Physical Activity: Refrain from strenuous exercises that induce sweating until your skin has fully healed.
- Water Activities: Avoid swimming, using hot tubs, or whirlpools as long as any redness persists on the skin.
- Hair Removal: Wait for at least 21 days or until your skin visibly shows signs of full recovery before considering shaving, waxing, or threading on the treated area.
- Pigment Control: When you resume use of the Pigment Control Cream you will continue using it for 6 months
Day 1:
- Soak sterile gauze with water (water bottle) and place soaked gauze on the face for 5 minutes (do this once in the morning and at night before applying creams). This will help to keep your skin hydrated and also clean any previous creams or residue off of your skin.
- Repeat if needed.
Day 2-14 (if skin is closed)
- Wash Face with Gentle Cleanser (Cetaphil, Cerave, or Vanicream)
- Apply Hydrocortisone cream 1%
- Apply a moisturizer (Cetaphil or Cerave)
- Thin layer of Vaseline/Aquaphor
- Physical Sunscreen (Zinc oxide or Titanium Dioxide SPF 50 or greater is preferred)
- Apply a moisturizer (Cetaphil or Cerave)
- Thin layer of Vaseline/Aquaphor
- Physical Sunscreen (Zinc oxide or Titanium Dioxide SPF 50 or greater is preferred)
- Wash Face with Gentle Cleanser (Cetaphil, Cerave, or Vanicream)
- Hydrocortisone cream 1%
- Apply a moisturizer (Cetaphil or Cerave)
- Thin layer of Vaseline/Aquaphor
You may discontinue usage of SSD cream and vaseline by day 7 or earlier with approval from clinic
Day 15-21
- Wash Face with Gentle Cleanser (Cetaphil, Cerave, or Vanicream)
- Apply a moisturizer (Cetaphil or Cerave)
- Physical Sunscreen (Zinc oxide or Titanium Dioxide SPF 50 or greater is preferred)
- Physical Sunscreen (Zinc oxide or Titanium Dioxide SPF 50 or greater is preferred)
- Wash Face with gentle Cleanser (Cetaphil, Cerave, or Vanicream)
- With approval from clinic, apply a pea sized amount of the pretreatment pigment control cream to the full face (avoiding the eye area). Can be mixed with a gentle moisturizer to make application easier.
- Apply a moisturizer (Cetaphil or Cerave)
Day 22-30
- Wash face with gentle cleanser (Cetaphil, Cerave, or Vanicream)
- Apply a moisturizer (Cetaphil or Cerave)
- Physical Sunscreen (Zinc oxide or Titanium Dioxide SPF 50 or greater is preferred)
Afternoon:Â Â
- Physical Sunscreen (Zinc oxide or Titanium Dioxide SPF 50 or greater is preferred)
- Wash face with gentle cleanser (Cetaphil, Cerave, or Vanicream)
- Apply a pea size amount of the Pre-treatment pigment control cream (the brown round one) to full face (avoid eyes).
- Apply a moisturizer (Cetaphil or Cerave)
Fractionated Resurfacing Laser to Body
Day 1:
- Water soaks with sterile water (bottled water) and clean gauze throughout the day.
Day 2 to 21:
These instructions apply if the skin is closed.
- Wash area with Gentle Cleanser
- Alastin Nectar (optional)
- Hydrocortisone cream 1%
- Moisturizer (Cetaphil/Cerave)
- Vaseline/Aquaphor
- Sunblock
- Alastin Nectar (optional)
- Moisturizer (Cetaphil/Cerave)
- Vaseline/Aquaphor
- Sunblock
- Wash area with Gentle Cleanser
- Alastin Nectar (optional)
- Hydrocortisone cream 1%
- Moisturizer (Cetaphil/Cerave)
- Vaseline/Aquaphor
Day 21 to Week 6:Â
- Wash area with gentle cleanser
- Alastin Nectar (optional)
- Sunblock SPF 50 or above
Throughout the Day:Â Â
- Sun block
- Wash area with gentle cleanser
- Anti Pigment Cream
- Alastin Nectar (optional)
Hair FX
What to expect immediately after (these should resolve within a few days):
- Burning
- Soreness
- Dry blood
- Itchiness
Things to avoid:
- SHOWERING AND SHAMPOO FOR 2 DAYS (you may rinse your hair and scalp with lukewarm water)
- Engaging in vigorous physical activity for 3 days
- Saunas and steam rooms for 3 days
- Washing hair and scalp with hot water
- Hair spray, dry shampoo, or similar hair products for 3 days
- Consuming Alcohol, Coffee or Fish Oil for 3 days
HD lift | PDO Threads
What to expect immediately after (these should resolve within a few days to weeks)
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Red Puncture Marks
- Mosquito bite looking bumps at incision
- Asymmetry
- Tenderness
- Itchiness
Things to avoid:
- Using AHA, Retinols, Vitamin C, or oil based make-up for 24 hours
- Consuming Alcohol, Coffee or Fish Oil for 3 days
- Going to the sauna, steam room. soaking in baths, jacuzzis, pools, or any body of water for 2 weeks
- Engaging in vigorous physical activity for 2 weeks
- Facials, facial waxing, Glycolic or AHA peels, IPL or energy based treatments, micro needling, microdermabrasion for 2 weeks
- Putting pressure on your face while sleeping or performing exercises where your face goes below your heart
You will see optimal results after 4-8 weeks
Hylenex | Filler Dissolving
What to expect immediately after:
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Red needle puncture marks
- Asymmetry
- Tenderness
- Itchiness
These should resolve within a few days to weeks.
Things to avoid:
- Massaging or putting pressure of on the treated areas.
- Sleeping on your face.
- AHA, Retinols, Vitamin C, or oil-based make-up for the first 24 hours.
- Strenuous exercise for the first 48 hours.
- Consuming alcohol, coffee, or fish for the first 36 hours.
- Exfoliating incision sites for the first 36 hours.
- Saunas, steam rooms, or baths for the first 2 weeks.
Pain and Swelling Relief:
- For pain relief, use Tylenol (Acetaminophen).Â
- Avoid Ibuprofen and Naproxen.
- Apply a cool compress for 10 minutes every hour on the day of the treatment to reduce swelling.
Desired Results:
- Your final results can be assessed about 4 weeks after treatment.
- Reviewing before then is not recommended due to the presence of swelling.
- After 4 weeks, your results can be reviewed in-office for further treatments.
What to expect immediately after (these should resolve within a few days to weeks)
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Red puncture marks
- Tenderness
- Itchiness
Things to avoid:
- Sun exposure without sunscreen
- Avoid rubbing the area vigorously, touching, scratching, or squeezing the injected area
- Using AHA, Retinols, Vitamin C, or oil based make-up for 24 hours
- Putting pressure on the face while sleeping or performing exercises where your face goes below your heart for the next 48 hrs
- Consuming alcohol, coffee or fish oil for 3 days
- Going to the sauna, steam room, soaking in baths, jacuzzis, pools, or any body of water for 2 weeks
- Engaging in vigorous physical activity for 2 weeks
- Facials, facial waxing, Glycolic or AHA peels, IPL or energy based treatments, micro needling, microdermabrasion for 2 weeks
Laser Hair Removal
First 24 hours after your treatment:
- Avoid direct heat and sweat— including steam rooms, saunas, and exercising.
For 72 hours after your treatment:
- Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds.
- Apply sunscreen SPF 50+
- Avoid topical irritants— these potentially include harsh soaps, medicated washes, scrubs, oils, retinols, scented lotions and peels.
- Avoid hot baths / showers, as well as swimming (in any temperature).Â
- Moisturize with Cerave, Cetaphil, or Vanicream moisturizer
Until your next session:
- Avoid all other methods of hair removal in the treatment area EXCEPT shaving; these include tweezing, waxing, hair removal creams or chemicals, threading, and electrolysis.
- Avoid bleaching the hair in the treatment area.
Please contact us at 949-336-7293; if there are any signs of blistering or infection (pus).Â
What to expect immediately after (these should resolve within a few days):
- Redness
- Itchiness
- Bleeding
- Red Puncture Marks
Things to do:
- Night of your procedure, clean skin with cool water and a gentle cleanser, followed by moisturizer (Cerave, Vanicream)
- If you have a history of cold sores you may experience an outbreak of facial cold sores. If so, please contact us for a follow up.
Things to avoid:
- Sun exposure without sunscreen
- Engaging in vigorous physical activity for 48 hours
- Consuming Alcohol, Coffee, NSAIDs or Fish Oil for 3 days
- Using, AHA, Retinols, Vitamin C, or oil based make-up for one week
- Exfoliating your skin for one week
- Facials, facial waxing, Glycolic or AHA peels, IPL or energy based treatments, microneedling, microdermabrasion for 2 weeks
What to expect immediately after (these should resolve within a few hours to a few weeks)
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Red puncture marks
- Asymmetry
- Soreness
- Itchiness
Things to avoid:
- Putting pressure on your face while sleeping
- Performing exercises where your face goes below your heart
- Using AHA, Retinols, Vitamin C, or oil based make-up for 72 hours
- Engaging in vigorous physical activity for 24 hours
- Going to the sauna or steam room for two weeks
- Consuming alcohol, coffee or fish oil for 3 days
- Exfoliating your injection sites for 5 days
- Washing your face with hot water
Pain relief:
- For any discomfort use Tylenol (Acetaminophen)
- Avoid Ibuprofen and Naproxen for the first 3 days. NSAIDS and other blood thinners can lead to increased bruising.Â
- To reduce bruising/swelling try a cold compress or arnica gel.
Optimal results start in 2 weeks
What to expect immediately after (these should resolve within a few days):
- Redness
- Itchiness
- Red puncture marks
Things to do:
- Wait one day, then cleanse your skin with cool water and a gentle cleanser, followed by moisturizer and sunscreen.
- If you have a history of cold sores you may experience an outbreak of facial cold sores. If so, please contact us for a follow up.
Things to avoid:Â
- Sun exposure without sunscreen
- Engaging in vigorous physical activity for 24 hours
- Using AHA, Retinols, Vitamin C, or oil based make-up for one week
- Exfoliating your skin for one week
- Going to the sauna or steam room for two weeks
- Facials, facial waxing, Glycolic or AHA peels, IPL or energy based treatments, microneedling, microdermabrasion for 2 weeks
Your next session should occur in 4-6 weeks.
Pico Focus Laser
What to expect (these should resolve within a few days)
- Areas treated may darken
- Redness, irritation, burning, swelling
- Bleeding
- Skin peeling
Things to avoid:
- Wearing makeup right after your treatment
- Rubbing or scratching your skin
- Heat: hot tubs, saunas, hot showers, tanning and self tanners.
- Exercise which may cause excessive sweating for 48 hours
- Do not use Cosmelan 2 or active ingredients for 3 days
Things to do:
- Use hydrocortisone 1% twice a day for 3 days
- Keep Skin Hydrated: We recommend Melan recovery, CeraVe, or Cetaphil
- Regularly and gently cleanse your skin: AVOID exfoliators, face scrubs, and cleansing brushes
- Wear broad-spectrum sunscreen, apply every 90 minutes
- Notify the office if you have any concerns of excessive blistering, redness, swelling and pus
Multiple treatments may be required for optimal results.
Pico Laser
Things to do:
- Notify the office if you have any concerns of excessive blistering, redness, swelling and pus
- Regularly and gently cleanse your skin (AVOID exfoliators, face scrubs, and cleansing brushes)
- Keep skin hydrated: We recommend Melan recovery, CeraVe, or Cetaphil
- Wear Broad-spectrum Sunscreen. Apply every 90 minutes
Things to avoid:
- Wearing makeup right after your treatment
- Rubbing or scratching your skin
- Heat: hot tubs, saunas, hot showers, tanning and self tanners.
- Exercise that may cause excessive sweating for 48 hours
Multiple treatments may be required for optimal results.
Pigment Control Cream
- Use as directed, according to your treatment care instructions.
- External use only.
- Avoid direct contact with the eyes and mucus membranes, in case of contact, rinse with plenty of water.
- In case of irritation, discontinue use and consult a health professional.
- Do not use it in children under 12 years of age, during pregnancy, or breastfeeding.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Store in a cool, dry place.
What to expect (these should resolve within a few days to weeks):
- Soreness and pain at injection site
- Bruising and skin discoloration at the treated site(s)
- Swelling
- Slight liquid or blood tinged oozing within the first couple of hours
- Results will take at least 12 weeks
Things to avoid:
- Heat/Sun: hot tubs, saunas, hot showers, tanning, sunbathing and self tanners.
- Touching, rubbing or scratching your skin/scabs
- Exercise which may cause excessive sweating for 24 hours
- Skin Irritants: anything with Tretinoin, Retinol, Benzoyl Peroxide, Glycolic/Salicylic Acid, etc. for 72 hours
- Consuming alcohol, coffee, NSAIDs or fish oil for 3 days
- Wearing makeup on the treated areas for 3-5 days
Things to do:
- Take Tylenol(Acetaminophen) for any discomfort
- Normal washing and shower activities can be resumed 8-12 hours after treatment
- Regularly and gently cleanse your skin: AVOID exfoliators, face scrubs, and cleansing brushes, dirty makeup brushes/sponges
- Wear Broad-spectrum Sunscreen(spf 50+), apply every 90 minutes
- Ice the area for 10 minutes on and off for the first 24 hours
Multiple treatments may be required for optimal results
Tattoo Removal
What to expect:
- Blistering: DO NOT break the blister. Blisters will take 1-2 weeks to resolve, use a non-stick bandage to protect it. If it is uncomfortable, give us a call.
- Healing: DO NOT pick or remove scabs or crusts that form during the healing process- this is the leading cause of infection and scarring.
Things to do:
- Apply ice on and off every 1-3 minutes for the first hour.
- Use Aquaphor or Cerave Healing Ointment 3-4 times per day for the first 3 days
- Limit physical activity for a few days after the treatment
Things to avoid:
- DO NOT leave ice on for more than 5 minutes at a time.
- DO NOT use Neosporin or other antibiotic ointments.
- AVOID hot showers, harsh soaps/cleansers, swimming, ocean, hot tubs and tub soaking pedicures for 5-7 days.
Call us if these occur:
- Foul order
- Fever
- Red streaks from the area
- Yellow-green drainage
- Pain
Healing can take: 5-25 days
Your next appointment should be in 8 weeks.
What to expect (these should resolve within a few days to weeks)
- Redness
- Irritation
- Frosting (white spots)
- Itchiness
Things to avoid:
- Sun exposure without sunscreen
- Picking at treated area
- Wearing makeup for 5-7 days
- Heat: hot tubs, saunas, hot showers, etc. for up to 2 weeks
- Skin Irritants: Anything with Tretinoin, Retinol, Benzoyl Peroxide, Glycolic/Salicylic Acid, Astringents etc.
- Do not wash face for 6 hours after
- Use a mineral sunscreen (spf 50+) every 2-3 hrs
- Wash your face with a gentle cleanser followed by a moisturizer every day twice a day for a few days before resuming your regular routine.
- Notify the office if you have any concerns of excessive blistering, redness, swelling etc.
Multiple treatments may be required for optimal results.
Treated areas: Scar improvement is seen 3-9 months after treatment.